Lately, I have found myself frequenting the clothing stores. I have never been a big clothes shopper, but recently that has changed. I've tried to go by myself, but it really is no fun! I'm all about fun! So I started asking my 8 year old daughter, Kate, to come and help me. She takes this very seriously. We have a hook for the "yes" clothes, one for the "no's", and one for the "maybe's".
This last time we went, she said, "Mommy, you can't get that one. It isn't good." Well, the color was purple, so I thought it was great! When I asked her to explain, she informed me that the color was fine, but the shirt was not a "good" one to wear. I totally agreed with her, but wanted to hear all the specific reasons she thought it was not so good. :) It made me smile.
I realized that she has been listening to me, but mostly, she's been watching me. She's not just paying attention to clothes, but how I speak, how I love her dad, and how he loves me. She's been watching when I pray, when I serve others, where my time is spent, and how I respond. Wow! No pressure, right? The thing that really got me was when I realized all the others that she is watching! The TV, friends, and even total strangers have an influence on my little fashion consultant!
My mission with this sweet girl God has placed under my care...Love her, teach her, pray for her, give her fashion advice :), talk to her, spend time with her, and model godly living. What does that mean for me? I better stay close to God in prayer and reading of His Word!
What a responsibility we have as parents! What a gift we have as parents!